
“An educational system isn’t worth a great deal if it teaches young people how to make a living but doesn’t teach them how to make a life.”
Education gives ability and endurance to face the challenges of life. In this changing scenario people are looking for schools that give not only bookish knowledge but enable students to lead a successful and virtuous life. Good people are worried to see the evils spreading everywhere. People are better educated yet life becomes miserable. Human values are shattered; insanity is prevailing in human minds. Increasing crimes, social disparities, unethical practices, diminishing brotherly love and increasing individualism and utilitarianism etc, point to the failure of educating people to be true human beings. Rationale of humanity is based on divine assistance and spiritual nourishment. Hence, we need an educated generation that puts its base in Divine Providence and mutual love and respect. St. Dominic’s Academy aims at developing in children not only the Intellectual Quotient (IQ) but Emotional Quotient (EQ) and Spiritual Quotient (SQ) as well. Our curriculum, thus, has a place for value education and training for emotional growth. “Intelligence plus character- that is the true goal of education”- Martin Luther King Jr. Dear parents, your priority should not only be constrained to the intellectual development of your children but actualising the potencies of your children in all areas of life. Educate them about spiritual and religious values; give precedence to the values of love, respect and obedience. Success in life depends not on the extent of acquiring maximum knowledge but learning to apply the knowledge in the given life situations to face the challenges successfully. Dear students, your aim should not be reaching the top anyhow but helping others to climb along with you. It means a lot as it requires personal excellence and moral and spiritual values. Your teachers are your guides. Thus, follow their footsteps closely, giving due respect and love. Our school is celebrating the tenth year of its birth. God Almighty has showered His choicest blessing on us. Let us be grateful to God, its founders, formal principals and managers, all staff, students and parents who have been associated with this institution to reach it to its present heights. May God bless you.
St. Dominics Academy